Be Courageous and walk through the Open Doors God has put in your life


Opportunities are often disguised as problems.  Problems can actually be an opportunity!

Opportunities are often time-sensitive.  Don’t let hesitation and procrastination lead to devastation!

Opportunities are often tested by opposition.  Don’t miss a blessing filled life by trying to attain a problem free life!

Opportunities are often missed because of fear. Whenever there is fearful response on our part there is a faithful reassurance on God’s!

Don’t limit God! Develop eyes of faith which are constantly looking for the doors He is opening.  Use the four check-points above to evaluate current opportunities.  Once you cross the threshold of an Open Door you will discover God’s hand reaching out for yours on the other side.
Turning Point Ministries

Be Courageous!
P.O. Box 25894, Overland Park, KS  66213